Herbal Powder & Extract

Kasaundi seed, derived from mustard seeds (Brassica juncea), is known for its culinary and medicinal applications. The dry extract of Kasaundi seeds is valued for its numerous health benefits. Benefits Digestive Health: Kasaundi seeds can stimulate digestion and may help...
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Kapas Beej, or cottonseed (Gossypium spp.), is the seed of the cotton plant. The dry extract of Kapas Beej is known for its various health benefits, particularly in traditional medicine. Benefits Nutrient-Rich: Kapas Beej is high in essential fatty acids,...
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Kantkari, or Solanum xanthocarpum, is a plant commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its medicinal properties. The dry extract of Kantkari is valued for several health benefits, especially related to respiratory health. Benefits Respiratory Health: Kantkari is primarily known...
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Kaner, or Nerium oleander, is a flowering shrub known for its ornamental beauty and traditional medicinal uses. The dry extract of Kaner is primarily utilized for its potential health benefits, though it should be approached with caution due to its...
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Kalonji, or black seed (Nigella sativa), is a well-known herb in traditional medicine, celebrated for its numerous health benefits. The dry extract of Kalonji is often used for its therapeutic properties. Benefits Anti-inflammatory Properties: Kalonji is known for its ability...
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